
I Love Your Skirt!

April 20, 2008

Hello. Feeling a bit worse for wear today. All self-inflicted though!! I weighed in at 14.5 today (I was 14.9 yesterday), don’t you just love hangover weigh ins?!! Shame it’s likely to be up again tomorrow…

I have been feeling (and looking) crap lately. I get fed up not having any new clothes and I was window shopping yesterday (always a bad idea with money in your purse) and came across this most gorgeous skirt EVER! I walked away because it wasn’t cheap but it was all I could think of. I ended up going back to buy it reasoning that I never spend a lot on clothes and I never find a piece of clothing I like this much (I am soooo fussy because I am paranoid about whether I look okay in it) and I was depressed and ergo deserved it! It turned out to be such a great buy! When my friend, L, arrived before we went out she was amazed, she loved it so much!! She told me it was slimming too (I don’t think it is). I started getting paranoid that it made me look fat and then my other friend, J, arrived and was really very full of compliments about it too! I loved that it was a different look for me. Normally I am all in black but this skirt was like a grey/khaki colour and in a gypsy style. When I was in the pub I got lots of compliments too. Even this guy I have liked for agggges who I have known about a year and has never passed a compliment to me before told me “you look really nice tonight, Groovybabe” (well, obviously he did not refer to me as Groovybabe, that would have been more than a little alarming!) I asked him if he was joking around, winding me up etc and he said he was not “I am paying you a compliment; compliments where compliments are due, you look lovely tonight”, he said and added “I really like your skirt, is it new?” WTF a man (I like!) complimenting AND noticing my clothes!!! I told him it was nice of him to notice!!! I do love my skirt. I wish I could wear it out every weekend!!!


  1. Yay, what a difference new clothes makes, as someone who lives in baggytshirts and joggers, I really miss shopping for pretty new clothes!

  2. It makes such a HUGE difference! Not only in how we feel about ourselves but in how others view us too. I tend to be in joggers through the week too so dressing up on a Saturday night is a real treat.

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