Posts Tagged ‘fitness’


Good Days

July 16, 2008

I have been thinking about going to the gym for ages; for the last seven weeks that I haven’t been there, in fact. There have been a variety of reasons. First off I stopped going because I was suffering from suspected anaemia, where I literally had no energy at all. Then when I got my energy stores up again I suffered from a sprain on the front of my right calf, meaning I could barely walk at all. Then I got depressed, then insomnia was raging making fitting it in with my responsibilities hard, then depression again and finally just pure laziness.

During times when I could go, I just had no mojo to do it. You know what it is like when you get out of exercising, getting back into it is almost impossible. The mind plays tricks on you, convincing you that you don’t want or need to go. In fact, last week I decided to cancel my membership. That would have taken the decision out of my hands, wouldn’t it?!!

The last couple of weeks I have been trying to get serious about weightloss and everytime I have a good start initially I end up destroying the good work. Take this last week. I lost 6lbs then the next day end up binging. I then binge for 2 days before trying to get back into it. This morning when my son told me he was too embarrassed to have me at his sports day it hit home that I am really not taking this seriously enough. When I was successful at weightloss before it was because I was so totally focused that everything else came a poor second. I never once tried to fit healthy eating and exercise into my life, my life fitted in around those things and I had to get that back.

I am not going to lie, it was my sons comments that gave me the kick up the bum I needed to get back into the gym. But it was the kick up the bum that I needed. For ages I just completely lost my confidence and didn’t feel I could even go in the gym, thats how low I felt about myself. But I was being silly. I rang the gym today before I went in to make sure my membership was okay as I havent been for ages and they were really friendly so it was all good.

I thought I would have completely lost my fitness after seven weeks off but I was surprised at just how much I could do. I walked to the gym, which takes 45 minutes, plus I had a few errands to run, so I classed that as my warm up. Then I did 15 minutes on the XT, at between 8-10 speed. Then I stretched and did 20 minutes on the treadmill with Interval Training, 7 minutes of which were jogging. I then did some weight training. I couldn’t do the full weights I normally do because my arms are killing me from playing too much wii the other day, but I just dropped a weight on each and it was fine. I then did some sit ups, stretches and did my 45 minute walk home.

I have been very good with food today. I have logged everything and it is 9pm and I have 7 ww points left yet, so it is all good. I came out of the gym feeling so euphoric, so much happier and quite a bit more confident, actually. It is really helping me to manage my eating habits too. Early days but hopefully good days.



April 23, 2008

I am in such a fowl mood today, and lately actually, I don’t know what is wrong with me. I am fast losing what I consider myself to have, a laid-back nature. I feel like a yo-yo; one minute down, then up, then down… I guess I will get over it.

I have not let it affect my weightloss plan though. I am well on track. 14.6/202 again today; I was hoping to be down another pound but I can’t expect a loss everyday! I am already half way through this weeks goal of a 2lb loss and I have another 5 days to go until weigh in. My water consumption has reduced the last few days but I have just been shopping and bought some squash so I should be okay now.. (don’t worry, it is sugar free)

My exercise has taken a dramatic drop of late due to the anaemia issue. I am feeling more energetic but am not back to normal just yet. I suspect this will not happen until I get back into the gym though. However, my sleep is knocked out of whack at the moment too, but I picked up some Nytol today so am going to try to get that back on track tonight, and if I am up to it, the gym tomorrow.

I am cooking a lovely stir-fry at the moment. Turkey pieces, thin noodles and lots of veggies in a soy sauce. With lots of herbs and spices. Yummi. Then we will go for a walk on the waterfront as the weather is gorgeous this afternoon.

Recommendations – log your weight every day and it gives you averages of weight, bmi, rate you burn calories etc… it’s a fun tool!