Archive for May, 2008



May 16, 2008

I went and signed up to weightwatchers classes last night. I am sick of not managing my food and feeling my life is out of control. This was me trying to do something pro-active to get back on track. I am hoping that a public weigh in is enough to keep me on track. So every Thursday night I will have my weigh in. I am going to try to stay away from the scales at other times, but we will see how much success I have with that!

14lbs=1 stone

I have lost 5 stones in the past year, but have recently put 1 stone back on. I really really do not want to undo all the good I have done.

So wish me well!


Starting Again…

May 13, 2008

I was doing really well with my weightloss and then I developed a really bad infection that put paid to my efforts. However, today is the first day where I feel more healthy (despite feeling a bit fluy) and so here I am with my attempt at yet another fresh start.

I have been really quite bad this past week with food. You don’t want to know the amount of ice cream I consumed yesterday (I blame the sun!). But I *have* been doing a lot of walking again, which seems to off-set too much damage. I think I was about 14.6 when I got ill and last week I was 14.10. Getting on the scales today I convinced myself that I would be out of the 14’s and into the dreaded 15-era again but I was pleased to see I have stagnated at 14.10.

I almost went and joined weightwatchers classes yesterday but didn’t because I really can’t afford to at the moment. I was hoping to go to the gym again today but feeling fluy, and my insomnia being rife, stopped me. I will take my son for a walk down the waterfront later though.

I bought a new pad the other day and I am writing everything down in there. It has tabs on each page so I am writing my weight down in there. So by the time I have used the pad up you will see my weight dwindling down.


Not Great

May 4, 2008

Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hi and say I have not forgotten about groovybabe or my weightloss. The reason I have been awol all week is I have been really ill. At the tail end of last weekend I developed a urinary tract infection and it really doesn’t want to go away. At first I was diagnosed with thrush and sent away with cream, then the next day I was back and it was a urine infection and was sent away with antibiotic. When 3 days later the pain was still not subsiding I went to the out of hours clinic and they changed my antibiotics. I am now on day 2 of them and there doesnt seem to be any let up of the pain still so I am going to have to go back again tomorrow I think and change my meds again.

I just want to be better. I have been having so much pain passing urine for a week now, it is like passing razor blades. I did also have a fever, blotchy eye sight, felt like I was going to faint and was weeing pure blood at one point. That has all gone now thankfully but I am somehow resistant to the meds and the infection does not want to clear up.

I went out last night, mainly because I’d been in all week and was going mad, but didn’t drink. It was my first weekend off from drinking in maybe 6 months. It feels good this morning not to feel like death warmed up! But the night was rubbish without drink. Even the DJ shouted over the tannoy that I am not the same on water!! But to be fair to myself, I think it is more because I am worn down from the pain of this infection than any ill-effect water-only has on me. Anyway, I ended up coming home at 1am because I was just not feeling the night.

Weightloss this week has been a bit of a bugger. I havent been paying attention at all. I just weighed myself (tomorrow is my official weigh in) and I am 201/14.5, which is what I was at my last weigh in, so being ill has not done me any great good weightloss wise…

Oh, in case you would like to hear more from groovybabe in her day to day life, I have started a blog up called ‘groovybabe: life’ its hosted over at my old groovybabe site on wordpress, which you can find here. Please add it to your feeds. 🙂