Archive for August 22nd, 2007


Moving Out, On

August 22, 2007

I’m getting quite a workout and I haven’t been near a gym today! I picked up the keys to my new apartment today and I have been taking boxes and stuff over there. I can’t do much as I only have a small car but trying to do as much as possible in this way before getting a man with a van to move the bigger boxes and furniture.

I’ve been really good with food today. I didn’t have time for breakfast – barely had time to weigh in – as I woke up late and had to attend a meeting to sign my tenancy and by the time I got home it was lunch time. And due to doing a good impression of a blue-arsed fly I have been good with food all day! It’s 7.20pm and I’ve only had 1079 calories! I bit different from yesterday and finishing up with 1780 calories at the end of the day! Gluttony!

To be honest I just want to crawl up in bed and not get out until morning. But I am about to do another journey to the apartment. In the pouring rain!