
Shrink Wrap

July 3, 2007

I watched a really interesting programme tonight called Shrink Wrap… tonight it was Sharon Osbourne’s turn to have therapy with a TV therapist and they covered a whole manner of subjects. Obviously the subject of Sharon’s weight fluctuations were of the most interest to me. I know the insights the therapist had were wrapped up in the entirity of Sharon’s life experiences but I do think some of the insights were relevant to anybody who has struggled with their weight.

The therapist said that we sometimes put on weight as a way of getting noticed: if we feel insignificant, unimportant, have low self esteem etc a way of getting noticed is to physically take up more space in your environment as a way of saying, ‘look at me, I am here, I am important’, which I found quite interesting. She said it is on a completely sub-conscious level. To take this further, I would suggest once we get fat we find out that we are noticed even less (have you noticed how the bigger we become the more invisible we become?) and this fustrates us even more leaving us in bigger dispair.

Sharon said she used her weight as a shield. No one loves a fat person and therefore she could put a wall up – the fat was a physical wall – so no one could get close. This then feeds the myth that we think we are unlovable because we are fat but in fact we get fat because we cannot let ourselves acknowledge that we are lovable. I don’t know about you, but this rings bells for me.

I was raised as one of six (the eldest); 2 siblings and 3 step-siblings so I was never physically alone but through a lack of care and attention I felt incredibly lonely growing up. This could be a instigator as to why I want to take up more physical space; to give myself more importance. Who knows?

I do have theories as to why I got fat when I did, well not theories, I know why I got fat. It is not something I wish to talk about openly suffice it to say my fat became a shield of protection against being hurt… again.

Any thoughts? Do you know why you got fat?


  1. I just wrote about all this today… for me, getting fat was a way to get back those who insisted I needed to be thin. I always felt that being fat was something I have control of… no one could dictate it. Whereas my parents could deny me food to keep me thin, no one could force it down my throat other than me. And I really enjoyed taking it all in.

    Clearly, I let it get absolutely out of control.

  2. I was a ‘chubby’ kid, but not fat. I gained most of my weight (6 stone in a year) when I was 13. I think part of it was a shield – part of me wanted to make sure no man ever wanted me again.

    Thanks for the tip about ‘Shrink Wrap’ – next weeks episode is about Stephen Fry which should be interesting.

  3. I can’t wait to see Stephen Fry, I love that man, he’s fab! And he has been through the mill so the session should be really good.

  4. I think I’d have to judge each weight gain separately. The first time I realized I was fat I’d been in a relationship where I was really comfortable and gained weight, and I always thought that’s why he broke up with me because I lost a bunch of weight right after that ended and he seemed to want me back all of a sudden. The 2nd time was a combo of a fractured ankle keeping me off my feet for 2 months. Then I moved to California where I indulged in so much fast food (out of stress, boredom, mostly boredom, and unhappiness) that I got over 200 for the first and only time I hope! I’d have kept going but I moved to NZ. I immediately dropped a pile of weight just by sheer activity my body wasn’t used to. Then I quit smoking, did WLR and Weight Watchers and got down to 158. Lost about 3-8 pounds randomly fluctuating, I had a really social life for a while and didn’t have much time for overeating! And then a year ago, I got comfy again. 🙂 You know the rest really. I think I eat for similar reasons that I smoked. So the past year has been super stressful, as you know, and now (I’ve told you the first 3-month checkup was all clear, right?) since things are going back to normal, and I’m really working on it (didn’t get snacky food at the shop earlier when I had the chance and the boyf was getting a bag of potato chips), so hopefully I’ll get rid of the weight again.

  5. You’ll definitely get rid of it if you continue with your current mindset, no worries. And with us encouraging one another we can only go from strength to strength! Oh yeah!

  6. thanks for passing by my blog, I dont think we know each other. I was looking for some people who are in the same journey as me(loosing weight).

  7. Does anyone have a Video / dvd copy of Sharon Osbourne on Shrink wrap.

    I got the end and really enjoyed it want to watch it all

  8. Hey, Jeremy. I just had a look on you tube but its not there 😥

  9. If anyone has a copy I’ll give £30.00 inc postage for a copy 🙂

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